Third Term

3rd Term Book / Media List


3113     Equine Anatomy – Musculoskeletal  

The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a working knowledge of the structures and functions of the equine muscles, nerves and skeleton.  This is the foundation of the horse.  A fundamental understanding of how all the parts work together of course plays a vital role in the horse’s health and soundness.  Knowing how the horse’s skeletal system is designed, how muscles, bonesthe way it works and why is integral in assessing the horse’s overall condition and the source of many common helps shed light on many health, behavioral and other issues that are all too common with domesticated equines.
This course gives an overview of chiropractic, massage, accupressure and accupuncture and other complementary therapies.  There are many alternatives to allopathic medicine in dealing with equine problems, or just as part of a healthy lifestyle.  Understanding how these work and when they may be indicated provides another avenue in dealing with health issues.
This course studies movement of the horse and how riding, equipment and other factors influence and change movement and the consequences of those adaptations.  Many lameness, behavioral and other issues are the direct result of compensation by the horse in the way he moves.  Understanding this process will help in finding the root cause of a problem and the ability to recommend the appropriate remedy and or equine professional rather than just treating the symptoms.
Environment, along with diet, is probably one of the biggest differences between “traditional” vs. “natural” horse keeping.  Everything in the horse’s environment affects him mentally, physically and emotionally.  It is a critical part of his life.  Much of this class will be comparing and contrasting the different approaches and the consequences of each.
This class gives a basic understanding of how to run a small business, how to avoid common pitfalls and the tools to keep your business on track.  There are many options available, and it does not need to be overly complicated but many small business owners do not have a good understanding of even the most basic concepts.  Flying blind and by the seat of your pants is not a good business strategy.  It includes both basic business tools and those specific to the horse business.
This course covers a variety of pathologies including navicular, club foot, genetic diseases, high heel/low heel, suspensory problems and others.