Spencer LaFlure 
Advanced Whole Horse Dentistry 
Spencer LaFlure "The Tooth Fairy" 
Born on a pack trip through the Adirondack Mountains of New York, Spencer grew up on his parents' two dude ranches there. He has had a lifetime of experiences with all kinds of horses. After a successful rodeo career, he trained horses, but decided he could better help the horse through dentistry. He holds advanced certification in Natural Balance Dentistry from Advanced Whole Horse Dentistry Learning Center. He now practices extensively throughout the United States. 
After five years of research, Spencer developed a procedure he calls Natural Balance Dentistry which consists of equilibrating the front teeth first according to each individual horse's bars of the mouth, then going on to equilibrate or balance the back teeth with the TMJ. He has had tremendous success with this procedure, and as he puts it, "I haven't had a horse yet that it hasn't worked on with fantastic results!" He presented his theory of Natural Balance Dentistry at the 2001 Parelli Savvy Conference in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. It received a wonderful response which led him to Australia and Indio, California and the jumping world. One of the horses he worked on went on to win a $75,000 Grand Prix. Spencer was also invited to work on babies at the Lacense Ranch in Montana run by professional horse trainer Ron Willis. Ron commented on the marked improvement it made on the horses in the 2002 colt starting. Spencer has used this procedure on horses owned by such top horse handlers as Pat Parelli, Tom Curtin, Craig Johnson, and Leslie Desmond to name a few. His goal is to educate horsemen on the importance of this procedure for whatever discipline they are in. 
After years in the making, Spencer has just introduced to the public the first video ever of it's kind, entitled "Natural Equine Orthodontics: What's the Point?". It shows, in great detail, in very simple terms for the average horse person, how totally balancing a horse's mouth will balance his body and enhance his performance to it's highest potential! Spence specializes in bite realignment, restoring proper bio mechanics of the jaw and unrestricted movement of the tempro mandibular joint (aka TMJ). Spencer's unique, landmark development of addressing the angle of the incisors first makes profound changes throughout the horse's body, not just the mouth. 
Spencer and his wife Judy own and operate a ranch in Thurman, New York.