About Us



The Equine Sciences Academy is based on, and was born out of, four fundamental beliefs. For the sake of simplicity, we will refer to the horse, but include any equid, or for that matter any creature under man's care.  


The Wild Horse


The ESA looks to the lifeway of the wild horse as the model for equine health and soundness because we believe that equines, or any creatures that are kept in a manner that is consistent with their nature will fare far better in a domestic environment than those that are kept in ways alien to their physiology. Even though horses have been domesticated for thousands of years, they still have innate, species-specific requirements for physical, mental and spiritual health. To improve quality of life for domestic horses, we believe it makes sense to look to their wild-living brethren for answers as to what their species requires, according to their nature, for health and soundness. We believe it is of vital importance that we continue to expand upon our understanding of how the horse lives and thrives in its natural state so that we may continue to gain insight into the needs of domestic horses, and incorporate what we learn into domestic horse keeping methods and practices.  


The Whole Horse


No part of the horse can be isolated from the rest. Any attempt to do so, is to ignore the balance of nature’s design. To the reasoned eye, it is clear that what affects one part of the horse, affects the horse entire. For example, we believe that the majority of hoof problems experienced by domestic horses have their genesis elsewhere in the body, thus most hoof issues are a symptom rather than a source. It is our duty to seek the source no matter where it occurs in the body, no matter what the cause.  


Do No Harm


ESA does not believe horses exist solely to serve mankind. We believe the partnership between human and horse is a privilege and a trust that must not be violated.

"The horse. Here is nobility without conceit, friendship without envy, beauty without vanity. A willing servant, yet never a slave."  

~ Ronald Duncan 

The Unique Horse


Nature is about wondrous diversity and while there are some elements held in common, each horse is unique and must be approached with that held firmly in mind. Formulas for care or treatment do not ultimately serve the best interests of the horse. It is important to approach each equine as an individual, to assess body and mind to determine what effects the forces of life have had on that individual, and provide appropriate care based on that unique assessment at that particular time.